My Forced Technical Interview

Amit Rai
3 min readJan 10, 2024

From Casual Call to Technical Probe: My Journey Through an Impromptu Interview

Company: “Your interview is done with the client. We like to speak with you on few things. Pls let me know good time for call”

Me: “You can call me now”

It was Saturday, around 11 AM, right after I’d been through two interviews in the same week when this text popped up on my phone. It kinda looked like things were moving forward with the hiring process. The company, along with their client, seemed interested in knowing more about me — such as my authorization to work in Canada, my availability, and any specific expectations I might have. Anticipating a more informal conversation, I promptly responded, suggesting we have a call immediately to discuss these matters further.

Amidst a backdrop of personal challenges, notably my wife’s recent positive COVID test, my anticipation for a response from one of the leading companies in Information Technology services was intense. I found myself in a heightened state of expectancy, keenly awaiting a return call or message. As the day unfolded, each hour seemed to stretch longer, intensifying the suspense. My phone remained a focal point of my attention, monitored it for a reply, hoping for some news.



Amit Rai

AWS Architect | AWS DevOps | Developer | Generative AI | Enthusiastic Writer |