How to Write on Medium to Create a Passive Income Stream in 2024?

Amit Rai
5 min readFeb 6, 2024

Effective Writing Tips to Grow Your Medium Readership and Increase Passive Income

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Can you really make money by writing on Medium?

I used to wonder about this a lot until I got my first payment. Yes, you can actually earn money by sharing stories, articles, or your personal experiences. In simple terms, you can make money through blogging.

But making money on Medium is not as easy as just posting something and expecting to see money roll in the next day. Let’s talk about what you really need to do to start making some extra earning alongside your regular job.

First, let’s understand what Medium is and how it pays writers.


Medium is a platform where people, like writers, journalists, and bloggers, can put their work up for anyone around the world to read. To really get how writers earn money on Medium, you need to know about how their subscription system works. It costs about $5 every month or $60 for a whole year to get a Medium subscription. With this subscription, readers can check out all the stories on Medium without…



Amit Rai

AWS Architect | AWS DevOps | Developer | Generative AI | Enthusiastic Writer |