Created a Highly Available, Scalable, and Resilient Web Application on AWS

Amit Rai
4 min readJul 24, 2024

Learn Architecture and Design of Highly Available, Scalable and Resilient Application

Architecture Diagram

Creating a web application that is highly available, scalable, and resilient involves careful planning and leveraging robust AWS services.

Here’s a detailed overview of how I designed and implemented such an architecture, covering four main components: the front end, user registration API, email-sending service, and an AI assistant application.

What is AI Bible Buddy Web Application?

The AI Bible Buddy helps you find answers to your questions about the Bible. When you ask a question or request a Bible verse, the app uses an advanced LLM model to process your input. This allows AI Bible Buddy to generate thoughtful and accurate responses, offering context and explanations to help you better understand and connect with the Bible.

In addition to answering questions, the AI Bible Buddy also provides prewritten Bible stories for small kids, making it easier for small kids to know the Bible stories. The app includes user registration and sign-in/sign-up features, and an option for users to contact us for further assistance or support.

Architecture Overview



Amit Rai

AWS Architect | AWS DevOps | Developer | Generative AI | Enthusiastic Writer |