Create Your Custom GPTs in the GPT Store to Start Extra Income in 2024

Amit Rai
5 min readFeb 10, 2024

Power of Making Money Online with AI

What is chatGPT Store?

The ChatGPT store for custom GPTs is a marketplace created by OpenAI where you can publish and share your custom GPTs.

OpenAI launched the GPT Store on January 10, 2024. The platform offers customizable AI chatbots to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise customers, allowing them to share or sell their GPTs.

The store provides access to millions of custom GPTs developed by OpenAI’s partners and its community.

Example of a Custom GPT:

Custom GPT: Cloud Skill Tutor specialized in AWS Exam Prep

Types of GPTs in the Store

The GPT store has lots of different types of custom GPTs for all sorts of things. You can find GPTs for education that help with learning and teaching on many topics.

There are also entertainment GPTs that tell stories, play games, and keep you entertained. If you need help getting more done at work or with your daily tasks, there are productivity GPTs.



Amit Rai

AWS Architect | AWS DevOps | Developer | Generative AI | Enthusiastic Writer |